Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Thank You!

We truly appreciate that you took the time to attend the meeting tonight.  Having people present makes an impact!  You are welcome to share this web address with other concerned neighbors.


Lori Krygier said...

Questions not answered tonight (many) - Do cell companies study the effects of towers in neighborhoods, near schools, etc.? If not, why not? Even RJR Tobacco ran studies of the effect of their product. The lady running the meeting tonight claimed not to know what the $$ deal was w/the Hubrichs, but the Verizon man who picked the site said he was the one who made the offer. If it's really no big deal, why didn't he pipe up with even a ballpark figure for us?

Noah and Wendy said...

Thank you for hosting this site for our neighborhood. Our family shares the concerns voiced at the meeting last night. There are a number of our more immediate neighbors who may not be well aware of the proposal. With your permission we will pass on this website to them. For the woman who took photos of the architectural mock ups, would it be possible to post those on this site? Thank you neighbors!

Chris said...

Lots of great information here regarding the health effects of mobile phone radiation:

Connie said...

I cant upload pictures in comments it seems. You can go here to download them:

Here is how you can download from flicker in case you need it :)

Pamela said...

Lori Krygier asked:
Do cell companies study the effects of towers in neighborhoods, near schools, etc.? If not, why not?

Take a peek here:
Best Practices for city planners

Unknown said...

The city gave me the paperwork that is given to Lexcom. The below is what Lexcom has to prove. It is what WE have to come prepared to disprove. Telling the City planners etc.. it is an eyesore is not enough, because they will then attempt to reposition it on the property.
a. the granting of the application would meet some public need or convenience.
b.the granting of the application is in the public interest.
c.the property in question is reasonably suited for the use requested.
d.the use requested would not have a substaantial adverse effect on the rights of the owners surrounding properties.
e.the use requested would conform with the maps and the goals and policies of the hillsboro comprehensive plan..